huteri's blog

ViewPager2 reset position to 0 when using with Navigation Component

If you’ve ever used ViewPager2 with the Navigation Component in Android, you may have encountered an issue where the ViewPager2 resets its position to 0 when coming back from the backstack. This ca...

Decoder Failed to Init - Exoplayer & ViewPager

There is a limit on how many times we can initialize exoplayer in a single device. If we initialize more than it should be, It will cause exoplayer to throw an exception that is not easy to debug a...

Learning Custom Views in Android

Today, I would like to share my experience with custom views, and hopefully this can help someone to create their own custom view. The custom view here is a simple analog clock, which is an analog ...

Simple Step to Track and Improve Performance in Android

It’s been a while since I wrote my last article, today I would like to share more about something. Let’s talk about performance. I will give a little sample how we can improve performance of our ap...

The Easy Way to Understand MVP in Android

Today, I would like to talk about MVP in android. There are a lot of resources recently talking about MVP in android. MVP is now considered as the good architecture available in Android Development...

Handling Dynamic JSONAPI Format With Retrofit in Android

Sometimes working with json can be frustrating if we don’t understand how the dependencies work such as retrofit and JSONAPI.org Here is sample of one of json response { "data": [ { ...

Be Aware When Setting Image Resource for Preview in XML for Android

For the past hours, I had been struggling to find the cause of OutofMemoryException. I know It’s really common issue with image in Android. I used to have this issue in my first 6 months of learnin...

Hello World

Hello, I am Huteri Manza, and this is my blog. I always think that the people who know the information are the only people who need to share it. I belive that we live in the connected world, and th...